
Hello there, I'm Kari Pagel
Thank you for stopping by my page. Our brick and mortar full service studio is located in Wisconsin Rapids, WI. We have over 1500 square feet of studio space, 50+ backdrops, props galore, but clients mostly love our colorful and laid back atmosphere. I have over 22 years experience with a degree in applied arts of photography as a graduate of Madison College. Creating portraits is a big decision and our goal is to make everyone feel their best and most comfortable. This day in age with technology and filters, it’s easy to take a selfie with a bad filter and call it, “good enough.” You deserve the best. Thank you for considering our studio – feel free to drop me a line and chat about options.
Who is Steinie?
Steinie is a nickname that derives from my maiden name, “Steinhilber” – paying homage to my roots, Steinie is the masculine ying to the yang of “Photique” which combined boutique and photography in a more feminine tone.
She enjoys dancing, gardening, volunteering, cooking is her real love language, clubbing (at Costco) with friends, all things water activities – boating, paddleboarding, fishing, but mostly laughing and embracing time with family. She’s spent way too much time in hockey rinks with her now 22 and 18 year old sons. She and her husband (referred to on social media as, “maintenance guy”) enjoy traveling by plane, train, but not as much automobile. This life is too short not to explore~!
The only pictures you regret are the ones you don’t take.

Much Love,